Pre-easter activity with kids: Easter wall decoration DIY

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  • English

Easter is all about having fun and making good memories as a family. If you look for an inspiration for a cool PreEaster activity with kids, check out our tutorial for Easter wall decoration that we have created especially for iFolor Inspire website. A great thing about this board is that it`s changeable. It makes it easy to rearrange your photos whenever you like or to create a new collage for any other occasion or celebration.

What you need:

  • Random photos
  • Paper and coloured paper
  • Pencils and markers
  • Paint and brush
  • Photo stickers and different tapes
  • Scissors


  1. Create a kind of display that can be hanged on the wall and can be suitable for sticking or pining paper and lightweight objects. It can be anything, from a wooden board to a picture frame.
  2. Select and print out the most meaningful pictures of your family and friends. Stick them randomly on the board.
  3. Ask kids to paint and draw different Easter symbols, cut it out and stick them on the display.

Aktivitäten für die ganze Familie

Beschäftigung mit Kindern - Osterwand

Osterwand DIY


Osterwand selber machen

If you are not in the hurry, this creative activity can take up to a few days. In the meantime, you can bet your kids are going to have some questions for you: “What is Easter? Is the Easter bunny really exist? Is rabbits lay eggs full of chocolate?” It’s up to you if you want to reveal the truth about the little fluffy bunny, but just in case, here are a few facts that can help you answer these questions.

Easter fast facts for kids:

  • Easter is the most important of the Christian holidays celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ but it is also celebrated by many other cultures as a fun spring holiday.
  • Easter celebrations usually include egg painting, egg giving and Easter egg hunts for eggs hidden by the Easter bunny. Easter eggs represent a symbol of new beginnings and new life.
  • Easter is not a fixed holiday and the date varies between 22nd March and 25th April. This year we will be celebrating Easter on the 1st of April 2018.

Ostern Aktivitäten für kinder in der Schweiz

*This article was written in collaboration with ifolor. Images © Family First.

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