How to take time out of home for moms

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Can you imagine turning off from your home, work, kids and husband for the whole week? I couldn’t either, but here I am! I just recently went to New York alone, and you know? I absolutely loved it!

I’ve eaten the most amazing foods, walked the most exciting streets, met the most beautiful people and drunk some of the most horrible coffee! What I’ve also done is reflecting: on myself, my wonderful kids and husband, my personal goals, my passions and hopes for the future, until I could feel myself itching to get home and to kiss my loved ones and to put what I’ve learned into practice. This trip was so enriching.

If you’re facing overwhelm with work and home, feeling you never find time to yourself, I’ve put together a little check list for how to take time out of home for moms!

1. Decide who can back you up at home

When you are trying to carve out time for yourself, the biggest struggle is finding the time, so don’t start with it. First, find the person who can replace you at home, it will probably be your husband or a very close friend.  

2. Book a cosy hotel with a great view

Decide where you want to go for 4-7 days and book a cute room with big windows because you will need to start your day with a stunning view while still soaking in your bed.

3. Cook for the whole week in advance

Prepare a variety of food for the whole family and freeze it in the freezer, it will make you feel better once you are away.

4. Let go of guilt!

As a mother you are emotionally attached to our home and kids, so try viewing your family from the outside and be excited to take a step back.

5. Don`t plan

Don`t plan anything, don`t think where you will go and what you will do. Only when you arrive at the place, you will ask people to help you around and will just go with the flow.

And then just go! You will be amazed by your change of perspective once you’re away, you will come back with a new energy, inspired and refreshed, and your family will be proud of you.

Schweizer Mami in New Yourk


Schweizer Mama in New Yourk






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