Product in test – New Avent 4-in-1 is mom`s new best friend

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It`s been 4 years ago when I needed to deal with baby food and the first “Brei” preparations. Now when I`m expecting the baby No.2 I plan to get more organised and get better equipped by helpful things in my kitchen. So, I was curious what has changed in those 4 years and if there are any new products for babies and especially for moms to help them with getting things done faster, better and healthier and Im excited to share with you my product in test – New Avent 4-in-1 by Philips!

Product in test - New Avent 4-in-1 is mom`s new best friend

Lucky me, I got invited to a presentation of the new baby food maker Avent 4-in-1 by Philips at the fabulous fun paradise Wilde Tier family club in Zurich. The guests had chance to see the new arrival in action and to test its creations themselves. The expectations of invited moms were very high, but it didn`t have to take much and the new Avent 4-in-1 won mother`s hearts and we all were thrilled by the the simplicity and capability of this really great product!

Product in test - New Avent 4-in-1 review by Family First

Avent 4-in-1 baby food maker is simple and fast, convenient in terms of size and weight and absolutely effective in terms of functionalities. It can Steam, Blend, Defrost and Reheat. The temperatures and timings are adopted to the required standards to keep baby food maximum healthy. What is a great PLUS, it steams & blends in one jar, just flip it up, and here you go!

Avent new product baby food maker

A guaranty, this new Avent 4-in-1 will become every mom`s best fiend! Very soon in stores in the price of around 189CHF. Would you like to have it already now? Then raise your hand and comment below with YES! and WHY!

Avent baby food maker Zurich Review

We raffle off the new Avent 4-in-1 Baby Food Maker to the Family First members sponsored by Avent Philips!

Raise your hand and Like us on Facebook and comment below with: YES, I want it! and WHY you want it! until the extended – 12.06.16*.

The lucky mom or dad will be known on the 13st June 2016*!

Verlosung / Raffle - Avent 4-in-1 Baby Food Maker

*The price will be to pick up at our office in Zurich. The winner will be personally informed on more information by e-mail. If the winner will not respond within 4 days, we will give the price to the next winner.

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8 Kommentare

  1. Guätä abig…jaaaaaa sehr gärn würdi das suuuupppeeerrr grät gwünnä??…i würd mi also freuä,dankä

  2. Yes, I want it, please! My baby started eating veggies and fruits two months ago and every blender we have tried always leaves chunks of food in the puree, which makes her choke so I end of having to pick through her puree every time to pull out the big pieces. Plus, it is hard enough to find time to shower so anything that helps save time in the day (cooking and blending the food in the same machine) would be great!! Thank you!!!

  3. JAAAA, ich möchte gerne dieses Hytechgerät gewinnnen, wenn das noch geht….habe leider noch nie was gewonnen 🙁 und unser kleiner hätte sicher Freude am feinen hape, hape:-)

  4. JA ich möchte! Mein Baby hat gerade angefangen Gemüse und Obst zu essen, und dieses Gerät ist ideal für die Vorbereitung alle seinen Mahlzeiten ☺️

    1. El

      Congratulations Joyce! The new Avent baby food maker is yours!


      FF Team and Gewinnspiel Ausloser

  5. This looks absolutely fantastic! It would be perfect for my recipe experiments for my lil one who turned 4 months today :). Im a firm believer of eating fresh home cooked food daily 🙂

  6. Ja bitte! Gerneeeee weil habe ich Zwillinge im July gekommen und ich liebe Avent : ))) Danke

  7. Want it for my baby S who’s soon 4m! Thanks 🙂

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