The back to school in Switzerland shopping list with a tip for the best school backpack

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Time flies! My 6yo is starting with school!  We’re all pretty excited and even anxious about new things to come. But, we still have a tiny bit of summer to squeeze some fun activities and go (or back) to school shopping. With the wisdom gained from my friends whose kids went through the first year of school already, I have created a handy shopping list with everything you’ll need for back to school (or going for the first time) in Switzerland and picked the best school backpack you can buy for your kids.

The back to school in Switzerland shopping list

Here are you can download The back to school in Switzerland shopping list PDF (En) → Link

It`s advised for children not to carry more than 15% of their body weight in the first few years of school. In practice, they might carry more than 30%. That`s why it is very important to choose a lightweight and ergonomic school backpack and Samsonite Sammies Ergofit is probably the best on the market. This ergonomic fit backpack with two adjustable shoulder straps, sternum and waistbelt, properly fitted, is designed to distribute weight across both shoulders and the hips and adds extra stability. You can also adjust the shoulder straps as your child grows. It never ceases to surprise me how light this backpack is to lift over my daughter’s shoulders. It comes with a set of things that cuts at least 30% of my shopping list, like a gym bag and pencil sharpener. It also looks really cool! My daughter is absolutely in love with her Sammies and it feels like she really cannot wait to start with school!

Einkaufsliste für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

Einkaufsliste für den Schulstart in der Schweiz mit einem Tipp für den besten Schulrucksack

Samsonite Sammies Ergofit for back to school in Switzerland

Einkaufsliste für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

Einkaufsliste für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

Einkaufsliste für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

Back to School in Switzerland, printable school shopping list

Den besten Schulrucksack für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

Schulthek Samsonite Sammies Ergofit für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

Schulthek Samsonite Sammies Ergofit für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

Samsonite Sammies Ergofit für den Schulstart in der Schweiz

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*This article was created in collaboration with Samsonite. Images ©Family First.

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