Influencer is my job: a title story about Swiss Influencers in Beobachter

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If only yesterday I didn`t really like the term, today I`m saying: “Influencer is my job.” Read the whole title story «Die Welt der Influencer – ein Milliardengeschäft» (The World of Influencer – a Billion Dollar Business) in the latest Beobachter (20 July 2018 Nr15 by Anina Frischknecht and Nils Hänggi) about Swiss Influencers and, yours truly.

Quotes: “… Born in Tajikistan, she lives in Zurich’s district 5. She has two daughters and has been a family Influencer since 2016. First, she had a blog, later she was also on Instagram. Her social media she started rather out of boredom. During her second pregnancy, she had to spend several months in bed spending time on Instagram. Likes, Shares, Reposts and Comments, so she slowly built up an online community and already after a few months she got her first business request from a company. Today she and her «Family First Switzerland» has 10’300 followers.”

Elena Habicher - Die Welt der Influencer – ein Milliardengeschäft - Beobachter

“… that makes Elena Habicher to a Micro-Influencers, with around 10’000 followers.” Especially in the advertising industry, these micro-influencers becoming increasingly popular. Because the followers of the “micros” are especially loyal and willing to interact. “

The little Mama Influencer promotes the big ones, including Pampers, Bimbosan and Stokke. For Elena Habicher, it’s clear: “Influencer is my job.” For this she invests at least 16 hours per week. A 40% job that she organizes around her time with the children. She works when the kids are sleeping or in the crib.”

“… Sometimes the whole family is involved, for the Swiss Post the Habichers wandered around and diligently posted photos online. Does Elena Habicher do everything she’s asked for? “No, certainly not. My followers trust me. I research every product I write about. If I can not stand behind it, I’ll decline the offer.” Those who promote too aggressively are distrustful, at least in the offline world.”

(Elena Habicher feat. on Slides 13-15 (also in PDF download)).

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