Swiss Mom in New York

Many people love to call Switzerland their new home and to raise their kids here. But there are some Swiss that prefer their kids to grow up somewhere else. One of my dearest friends, Meesha Chang after many years living in Switzerland went back to the US and now lives with her boyfriend and the little baby in New York. It`s fascinating for me and I`m very curious, what it is to live an American Dream in New York for a Swiss mom. Please read my little interview with Meesha below.


I miss Switzerland and dream about the cute daycares with lots of outdoor time. I feel good being a Swiss mom raising my baby in NY but I do feel exhausted and as NY life is a constant fight.

One big issue for me is the work situation (read more“This New Mom Is Applying to Jobs With Her Baby” Link) and nanny culture in here.  NYC moms feel a lot of pressure to go back to work right away and are interviewing nannies even before the baby is born. Some jobs allow you to take 2 months off but this is usually unpaid and the cost of living is very high in NYC so it is not common that the family can live off of only one person’s salary.

But my baby will be exposed to a lot of culture and people. I love the diversity and uniqueness of lifestyle and passion how people live here. It is hard to feel isolated here because there are so many things to do from baby and doggy yoga to little people dance parties. I also take advantage of my grocery store that is open 24/7 and a 2-minute walk away.

However, the constant noise, masses of people, construction, motorcycles and trucks. Every time we go out it is an adventure but also a bit stressful with the chaos.  I am also sad that nature is not closer so my baby has not yet seen the mountains or lakes. We are planning to come back as soon as possible to get our health and chocolate dose!



schweizer mama in new york

swiss mom in new york

Schweizer Mutter lebt in America


Mama blog Schweiz

Swiss mom in the US

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