Papa Blog – Zoologisches Museum Zürich

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What`s new on our papa blog?  One of his best tip on exciting and free activity with kids in Zurich – Zoologisches Museum Zürich a great place to visit with kids!

Papa mama family blog on family first

When looking for something to do with your little ones, anything that’s close by, exciting and free is hard to pass up, right?

One of my two-and-a-half year-old’s favourite places to go in Zurich is the University’s Zoological Museum at Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4 across from the Uni-Spital. It’s almost always open, it’s free, it’s close and my daughter loves it. It’s got so much for her to see and do, yet it isn’t a colossal sprawling collection that you find yourself getting lost in. Although it isn’t exclusively a child’s environment, the museum’s operators have done a lot to cater to children. Housed on just two floors, it’s primarily a place to see taxidermied animals from around the world mounted behind glass. There’s a good mix of animals, fish and insects and the collection includes some extinct and prehistoric species as well. My daughter is now old enough to begin paying attention to the interactive displays, listening to various animal sounds and feeling animal textures. Wildlife films are shown in a small theatre throughout the day. We recently spent at least a half an hour sitting in the reading corner looking through children’s books focused on animal themes after having spent nearly an hour already with my daughter running from one display to the next, always full of excitement. And for the first time, she was patient enough to use a couple of the microscope stations set up to offer visitors a close-up look at a whole host of insects.

With a place to sit and have a snack, as well as a vending machine for drinks, the ZMZ is fully equipped to offer a thrill for curious children (and their parents) of all ages.

(Zoologisches Museum Zürich – closed Mondays)

Family First guest bloggerAuthor PappiPa: Daddy blogger sometimes

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