Pampers against Tetanus (and a giveaway)

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Some topics on my blog are not easy to write about. It`s also hard when you are trying to explain to your 7yo child why so many children and mothers are still dying in the world and why it is so not easy to prevent it. But what makes me happy is to tell you, that there are steps being taken to improve the situation and it is actually working out. Also, Pampers is partnering with UNICEF with the campaign «1 pack = one life-saving vaccine dose» that helps the fight against Tetanus, one of the diseases that cause death of newborns and mothers in Africa.

Pampers Schweiz gegen Tetanus

Just recently my daughter’s favourite children channel reported, that there have been less children dying in Africa but still millions are at risk (Link to the article). However, I think it was stroking for her to realise how horrific the reality is in other parts of the world. I was trying to tell her that there are ways to help the situation and that we can get involved too. Also, a TV moderator and the ambassador of «1 pack = one life-saving vaccine dose» campaign Enie van de Meiklokjes has personally visited Kenia and came back with good news.

What is Tetanus?

Tetanus is a dangerous disease that affects the brain and nervous system and can cause death. Those who survive it are still not immune and their health can be affected by serious complications for the rest of their lives. Spores of the bacteria can be found in dust, dirt, and animal droppings. Usually, people get infected through a cut or a wound. Tetanus can be prevented with vaccination and booster shots that are needed every 10 years. Tetanus is a leading cause of maternal death in developing countries.

How can you get involved?

Since 2006, UNICEF and Pampers have been partners in supporting «1 pack = one life-saving vaccine dose» initiative to provide vital vaccines against this deadly, but easily preventable disease. Now, from 1 October to 31 December 2019, with every purchase of a pack of Pampers diapers, you support Procter & Gamble UNICEF in fighting against tetanus with 0,084 CHF and therefore with 1 life-saving vaccine dose. Each impression to this videos (below), Pampers gives the equivalent of a life-saving vaccine dose to UNICEF. There are only two vaccinations needed to prevent a pregnant mother from getting infected and protect her and her newborn from tetanus for at least three years.

Pampers Schweiz gegen Tetanus

Pampers Schweiz gegen Tetanus

Pampers against Tetanus

Pampers against Tetanus

Pampers Schweiz gegen Tetanus

To support this initiative, together with Pampers we are giving away 3 x one month supply of Pampers in size 3, 4 or 5!

to the giveaway → 

Pampers for UNICEF: together against Tetanus Tetanus. Are you with us?For each impression on this videos, Pampers gives the equivalent of a life-saving vaccine dose to UNICEF.

*This article was created in collaboration with Pampers. Images ©Family First.

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