Mama blog: I’m a sleeping bag mom

I’m a sleeping bag mom! Since my first baby was born, I learned sleeping bags are the key to a good night sleep for everyone, including you as a mom. I have several sleeping bags for my children, each for summer and winter, and even for cool and warm nights. I would never save on quality of a sleeping bag because it`s very important. Recently I added the Zizzz‘s sleeping bag to my collection, and it seems my 5mo absolutely loves it!

Warm, cosy, safe, lightweight, comfortableif those factors are your consideration, then Zizzz is the bag!


Along with a lovely design and a comfortable double zip, what I absolutely appreciate about Zizzz’s sleeping bags is the lining quality. It`s made from bio cotton and virgin sheep’s wool from the local mountains in Switzerland (Swisswool). It`s very breathable, and it helps to wick moisture away and to keep your baby’s natural temperature always at the same level despite seasons or room temperature.

A extra point, the bag has an opening on the back that allows you to easily take your baby in a stroller or a car seat.


Schlafsack ZIzzz

Baby Schlafsack

baby Schlafsack Zizzz im Test

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