The best birthday gift idea for family and friends

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  • English

When it comes to birthday gifts our children often get, or buy, too many useless presents that have nothing to do with the love of friendship. Our story is about a 6y.o. girl from Zurich who is making her own gifts for her friends and family since she was 4y.o. Watch her tutorial and maybe you and your kids can get inspired. This simple art activity is suitable for any occasion and can be also fun to do as a family.

geschenke selber machen Schweiz

Happy Heart – Stuffed 3D paper craft for kids

Hearts are easy to make and they are wonderful decorations, great for a memorable birthday present, for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and even as a Christmas gift.

What you need:

Paint and paintbrush
Old newspaper

How to:

Put the paper sheets on top of each other, draw a shape of a heart, cut out, color out both paper hearts, let dry, place one paper heart on top of another one, staple two sheets together leaving some space in the middle, stuff with old newspaper, staple the rest, cut off the remainder, glue or staple a rope or a hanger and enjoy your adorable creation!


Muttertag geschenke selber machen Schweiz

Kinder geschenke selber machen Schweiz

geschenke Schweiz

Kinder machen geschenke Schweiz

Sachen selber machen Schweiz

kurzfristige geschenke selber machen

last minute geschenke diy

last minute geschenk kinder

Kinder geschenke herz

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