If you think that grandmothers are old-fashioned just look at the picture we took visiting our grandparents in Tyrol and find out why our Granny absolutely loved BabyBjörn.
As grandparents we all want to make the most of the precious time we can spend with our grandchildren and enjoy every moment we can get with them. But it also means we might have to deal with some extra physical pressure which is not easy to handle in our age. To our relief this time our kids brought us BabyBjörn and we absolutely loved it! Those three things are lightweight and so simple and easy to handle, has beautiful design and breathing materials. It made me think, how easier those things would have made my life back in the days when I was a young mother myself.
Baby Carrier is so easy to wear, click, click and the baby is fixed on your chest in the most healthy for his hips position which is so important for newborns. It`s nice that there are spaces for the little feet so that they don`t hang out. Our little granddaughter really enjoyed to be carried, probably also because I could carry her much more longer than I usually can.
BabyBjörn Bouncer is just so fun and so simple! As our granddaughter is yet so little we would give the bouncer a gentle push and it was enough to make her smile. We also could leave her for some time alone knowing she was safe and entertained.
Travel Crib is just so easy to handle. Just in 4 click you can convert this suitcase in a lovely and safe bed for your little one that you can take everywhere. It`s great to use it for travel or as an extra crib at home if you want to have your baby around while you cook in the kitchen or iron in the living room.
Would you like to have one of those amazing BabyBjörn products too? Take your chance! BabyBjörn is offering Family First readers from all around Europe a fantastic opportunity to win one of those three products. Follow this link to find out how you can participate and win: Link